How do I get a Myria Wallet?
First, ensure you are on a desktop browser and have your MetaMask extension and account prepared - see Getting started with MetaMask – MetaMask. Once you have your MetaMask account, generating your Myria Wallet is simple. To create your Myria Wallet, click Connect Wallet and follow the MetaMask prompts to complete the creation of your Myria Account & Myria Wallet. In order to access your Myria Account and Wallet in future, repeat the same steps.
How do I deposit MYRIA tokens?
- Login to MetaMask on browser
- Access and Connect Wallet to create Myria Account & Myria L2 Wallet
- Register with centralised exchange listing MYRIA (like Kucoin)
- Access Myria's token page
- Purchase your chosen volume of MYRIA
- Withdraw from CEX to MetaMask
- Return to Myria and Connect Wallet to login to Myria L2 Wallet
- Select Deposit from within your Myria Wallet
- Deposit chosen volume of MYRIA from MetaMask to Myria L2 Wallet
A similar process applies to other centralised exchanges (CEX's) that are listing the Myria token.
Can I run more than one Myria Node on a single device simultaneously?
You cannot. Myria Nodes are designed to operate one Node at a time on a given device.
Can I change the Node I'm running on my device?
Yes, you'll need to complete two steps in order to change the Node you're running from a given device:
- Remove the node license you're currently operating from the device. You can do this via '(Key Icon) Manage' within the Myria Nodes software, and follow the prompts. For server-based Node operation, you'll need to run the following command --start
- Generate a new API Key from the Myria Node Web Dashboard. You then can follow the same steps as operating a Myria Node for the first time.
On a VPS you can change the Node you’re running as well, simply re-run the command myria-node --start and input your new API Key
Can I transfer my Myria Node to another Myria Wallet?
No, you cannot transfer a Myria Node to a different wallet.
Can I sell my Myria Node?
At present, it is not possible to sell your Myria Node.
What workload is my Myria Node doing?
At present, Myria is running network tests on the Myria Node network. The network tests are being conducted in preparation for heavier workloads in the future to help decentralize and secure the Myria network.
What NFT Rewards can I expect as a Myria Node owner?
At launch the MYRIA Token distribution is the primary reward. Plans for NFT Rewards to our Node owners are a work-in-progress. Stay tuned for more information and discussion on this in future.
I switched all of my Nodes on via VPS but now don't know which Node is operating in my VPS?
The up-time progress bar for node licenses is the source of truth for which node license is currently live and connected to the network.
If you've accidentally started all your Nodes (and all Nodes are showing online on the dashboard) using myria-node --start you would have overwritten which Node is connected to the network, as only one Node can be connected to the network from a single instance at a given time. Node status 'on' means the API Key has successfully been used, not that it's successfully connected to the network (that's registered by the up-time progress bar).
In order to resolve confusion around which Node is connected, your're best to run myria-node --stop command on all your Nodes and then run myria-node --start on the Node that you wish to run in a given VPS instance.