In order to transaction on Myria's NFT Marketplace, you will require ETH deposited into your Myria L2 wallet from your Ethereum wallet.
How to deposit from Ethereum L1 to Myria L2
- Open the Myria Wallet dropdown
- Click the ‘Deposit’ button
- Enter the amount of ETH you wish to deposit (Note: deposit cannot be less than $10 worth of ETH)
- Click ‘Next’. If you have sufficient funds in your L1 wallet, a Metamask pop-up will ask you to confirm the transaction. (Note: there will be a gas fee associated with depositing funds from your L1 as this is processed on the Ethereum network.
- Click ‘Confirm’ in the Metamask pop-up.
- Your L2 Wallet will show ‘Deposit is in progress.’
⚠️ Deposit may take up to 10 minutes - To check the progress of your transaction, click on the ‘History’ tab in your Wallet. It will show as 'In Progress' or 'Complete'. Once complete, to view the Transaction ID on Etherscan, click on the transaction, then click ‘View Transaction ID’.
⚠️ Because this transaction occurs from the Ethereum network, users will require ETH in their L1 wallet for gas fees to deposit funds into L2. Transactions conducted on Myria L2 do not attract gas fees.