Withdrawal from Myria is a 2 step process:
- Prepare for withdrawal
- Complete withdrawal
Step 1: Prepare for withdrawal
⚠️ Withdrawals once prepared, cannot be cancelled. Any funds or assets that have been prepared for withdrawal cannot be retracted or used whilst in their prepared state.
- Open the Myria Wallet dropdown
- Click the ‘Withdraw’ button
- Enter the amount of ETH you wish to withdraw and click ‘Next.’
- Your Myria Wallet will ask you to confirm the transaction and provide an estimated completion time. Click ‘Confirm’
- A Metamask pop-up will request a signature. Click ‘Sign’ to proceed with preparation of withdrawal.
- Withdrawal will show as ‘In Progress’. Wait for the transaction to complete.
⚠️ Depending on where your transaction is in the batch cycle, this can take up to 35 hours.
Step 2: Complete withdrawal
Once your withdrawal is prepared, you are ready to complete your withdrawal.
- Complete the withdrawal from either the popup notification or your Wallet History Tab once it is ready for withdrawal to L1.
- A Metamask pop-up will request a signature. Click ‘Sign’ to complete your withdrawal to L1.