Can I migrate an ERC-721 NFT asset from L1 to Myria L2?
You cannot migrate an NFT ERC-721 Asset into Myria's L2. To mint, list and transfer ERC-721 NFT assets on Myria's L2, developers should deploy the Myria Smart Contract and mint directly on Myria's L2 network.
Can I migrate an asset from Myria L2 to L1?
Yes, you can migrate existing L2 NFTs to L1 by simply selecting the Withdraw option on the top right of the NFT token page (accessible via Inventory). Please note, withdrawing an ERC-721 NFT from Myria's L2 to Ethereum L1 is permanent, there is not currently an option to deposit an ERC-721 NFT from Ethereum L1 to Myria's L2.